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Discovering your purpose, your mission in life is a spiritual and creative process. Some of us spend years not knowing, while others seem to know their purpose early on. Many job opportunities are focused on the employers needs and society driven, rather than being designed to fill individual needs of expressing and sharing their God given gifts/talents with the world. This system is created in such a way that people end up redesigning themselves to fit the systems needs. This combined with fears about survival result in stifled purpose. Fear is what is driving many people to be stuck in jobs that are not right for them. Fulfilling ones purpose/mission in life is vital to our health & wellbeing. What are you excited and/or passionate about? When we realize what excites us, we start the journey of fulfilling our mission in life. When we follow our passion and let go of the process and outcome (Worrying over finances and having enough) The act alone of letting go allows for faith and trust to power our success, rather than fear and acceptance that work is meant to be unfulfilling, pay the bills and is a means to an end.



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