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Updated: May 30, 2023

When I think of Balance in the fitness industry a stability ball does come to mind, along with wobble boards, bosu, foam pads, disc pillows, pistols, etc. But today my meaning is about balance of the mind, body and spirit. It has taken me years of experience to become aware of the importance of balance in all we do. We live in a time where people are working more and finding less time to give to not only themselves but others. The only way we will find balance is by creating it for ourselves. Sleep, water, sun, movement, nutrition are all needed to maintain health and wellbeing and when there is an imbalance we disrupt the bodies innate self healing capabilities . In a time where keeping a roof over our heads and feeding our families takes priority I challenge you to find ways to seek balance. Demand it of yourself and set the example for others, especially those you love. When my kids were younger I used to love packing some PB and J sandwiches, apples and some water and gatorades and head to the local park. My kids would get to play on the monkey bars and swings, run around and soak up some Vitamin D, as well as interact (Play), and eat a meal together as a family. That also contributed to a good night sleep. I didn't realize in those hectic days the most basic outing of going to the park created balance, true health and wellbeing. I train many individuals trying to fit exercise into their daily lives at the detriment of maintaining balance . They either miss dinner or eating too late, or wake early (Miss sleep) as well as from a multitude of other unhealthy contributors( Caffeine and sugar, as well as alcohol consumption, lack of whole foods/nutrient dense foods, sunshine, etc) They also need to pick up their kids, cook dinner, help with homework.We all know it takes discipline and sacrifice to find time to fit exercise in, yet know the consequences are much worse down the road if we neglect ourselves. Today I challenge you to find ways to play, create a lifestyle that brings balance to your life and your family's. Bring dinner to the park, catch some sun and fresh air, move and create an active lifestyle, as well as fond memories. I love training and am passionate in helping others create a healthy lifestyle, not a short term, quick results mentality. That is not going to bring long term health. Balance.....Sleep, water, sun, movement, whole nutrient dense foods, along with healthy interactions will combat disease by allowing your body to do what it does best..

Creating balance=Homeostasis



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